
Getting the software

There are several ways of getting the telegram-reminder-bot software, the simpler being using pip.

With pip

You can install the package using the command

pip install telegram-reminder-bot

With a git clone

You clone the repository from github. This will allow easier updates when new code is released :

git clone

You can then install the dependencies using poetry or pip :

Using poetry

poetry install

or if you only want the dependencies and not the telegram-reminder-bot package to be installed :

poetry install --no-root


If you want to use the daemonized version, you will need extra dependencies : poetry install -E daemons or poetry install -E daemons --no-root

You can install dev dependencies using

poetry install --dev

Using pip

You can install the dependencies using the following command :

pip install -r requirements.txt

You can also install the dev dependencies using :

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

From source

You can download the latest release here :

You can then install the dependencies using poetry or pip :

Using poetry

poetry install

or if you only want the dependencies and not the telegram-reminder-bot package to be installed :

poetry install --no-root


If you want to use the daemonized version, you will need extra dependencies : poetry install -E daemons or poetry install -E daemons --no-root

You can install dev dependencies using

poetry install --dev

Using pip

You can install the dependencies using the following command :

pip install -r requirements.txt

You can also install the dev dependencies using :

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt


You will need a working database to use the bot. Any database that is compatible with sqlalchemy (see for the list of supported databases).

The bot was explicitly tested with sqlite, it would probably work with other databases but it was not tested.


The configuration file is the file holding the configuration for the telegram bot and the database.

You can create the default configuration file by calling:

telegram-reminder-bot init_config -c configuration_path

The default configuration file will be created at the configuration path.

The default configuration file looks like

; telegram-reminder-bot Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Yoann Piétri
; This software is released under the MIT License.
; This is the configuration file for telegram-reminder-bot
; The configuration file is separated in two sections : telegram and db
; The first holds the token and the list of allowed users
; The second holds the engine configuration

; Token of the telegram Bot in the format 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11
; Default is 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11
token = 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11

; List of allowed users, separated by commas. If 0 is included
; all users are considered to be allowed.
; An empty string means no user is allowed
; Default is an empty string
allowed_users =

; Configuration of the engine. See
; WARNING : relative path are not supported yet for daemonized mode.
; Default is sqlite:////var/telegram-reminder-bot/db.db
engine = sqlite:////var/telegram-reminder-bot/db.db

; Path for the logs
; If no path is given, no logs are written
; Default is /var/log/telegram-reminder-bot.log
path = /var/log/telegram-reminder-bot.log



The token of the telegram bot, in the format 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11 (without bot at the beginning). Default is 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11.


The list of allowed users and chats to use the bot. This as to be the list of IDs of users and chats separated by commas. If the list is empty, no user or chat is allowed to user the bot. If the list contains a 0, then all users and chats are allowed to use the bot. Default is an empty string.


This is maybe the moment to speak of the behavior of this bot inside a group. Please keep in mind that this was not tested and this is only a prediction of what will happen.

The reminder will be associated to the chat id, and not a user id, if of course the chat id is in the list of allowed users in the configuration. Hence, everyone in the chat will be able to make modifications on the jobs.

I would not recommend the usage of this bot, as it is, in a chat. Hence, in the documentation I will refer as a user using the bot.



The database configuration. See for documentation. Default is sqlite:////var/telegram-reminder-bot/db.db.


Relative paths are not supported yet when using the daemonized mode. Please use absolute paths.



Path for the log file. If none is given, no logs are written. Default to /var/log/telegram-reminder-bot.log

Init database

Before using the bot, the database must be initialized.

There is a command line instruction in the telegram-reminder-bot script to initialize the database (init_db) :

telegram-reminder-bot init_db -c config.ini


This code is released as alpha version and therefore the structure of the databse is likely to evolve in the future and no migration infrastructure was planned in this version. While we will try to provide ways of migrating, we cannot ensure for now that the migration of the data will be simple.

Starting and stop the bot

The bot may be started using the script. If the package was installed using pip the command telegram-reminder-bot is equivalent.

This command may be used as

usage: telegram-reminder-bot [-h] [-c CONFIGURATION_FILE] {start,stop,restart,debug,init_db}

Telegram reminder bot v0.1.0

positional arguments:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Path of the configuration file. Default to /etc/telegram-reminder-bot/config.ini

The possible actions are

  • start : start the bot, in daemon mode (requires the daemons package).

  • stop : stop the bot, in daemon mode (requires the daemons package).

  • restart : restart the bot, in daemon mode (requires the daemons package).

  • debug : start the bot directly with debug level for logs

  • init_db : initialize the database.

  • init_config : copy the default configuration file to the location given by -c or --configuration-file (/etc/telegram-reminder-bot/config.ini by default).

The path of the configuration file can be given using the -c of --configuration-file option. The default value for the option is /etc/telegram-reminder-bot/config.ini.

The documentation of the command can be accessed using --help.

Full example

This a full example of a quickstart to run the bot :

$ pip install telegram-reminder-bot
$ telegram-reminder-bot -h
usage: telegram-reminder-bot [-h] [-c CONFIGURATION_FILE] {start,stop,restart,debug,init_db,init_config}

Telegram reminder bot v0.1.0

positional arguments:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Path of the configuration file. Default to /etc/telegram-reminder-bot/config.ini

$ telegram-reminder-bot init_config -c config.ini
[OK] The default configuration file was copied to config.ini.

$ ls

$ cat config.ini
; telegram-reminder-bot Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Yoann Piétri
; This software is released under the MIT License.
; This is the configuration file for telegram-reminder-bot
; The configuration file is separated in two sections : telegram and db
; The first holds the token and the list of allowed users
; The second holds the engine configuration

; Token of the telegram Bot in the format 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11
; Default is 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11
token = 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11

; List of allowed users, separated by commas. If 0 is included
; all users are considered to be allowed.
; An empty string means no user is allowed
; Default is an empty string
allowed_users =

; Configuration of the engine. See
; WARNING : relative path are not supported yet for daemonized mode.
; Default is sqlite:////var/telegram-reminder-bot/db.db
engine = sqlite:////var/telegram-reminder-bot/db.db

; Path for the logs
; If no path is given, no logs are written
; Default is /var/log/telegram-reminder-bot.log
path = /var/log/telegram-reminder-bot.log

$ vim config.ini

$ cat config.ini
; telegram-reminder-bot Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Yoann Piétri
; This software is released under the MIT License.
; This is the configuration file for telegram-reminder-bot
; The configuration file is separated in two sections : telegram and db
; The first holds the token and the list of allowed users
; The second holds the engine configuration

; Token of the telegram Bot in the format 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11
; Default is 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11
token = **************

; List of allowed users, separated by commas. If 0 is included
; all users are considered to be allowed.
; An empty string means no user is allowed
; Default is an empty string
allowed_users = ************

; Configuration of the engine. See
; WARNING : relative path are not supported yet for daemonized mode.
; Default is sqlite:////var/telegram-reminder-bot/db.db
engine = sqlite:////home/nanoy/Projets/test-telegram-reminder-bot/db.db

; Path for the logs
; If no path is given, no logs are written
; Default is /var/log/telegram-reminder-bot.log
path = telegram-reminder-bot.log

$ telegram-reminder-bot init_db -c config.ini
[OK] The database was successfully initialized

$ ls
config.ini  db.db

$ telegram-reminder-bot start -c config.ini